Ministry Of Construction And Craft

The Ministry is responsible for: the formulation and implementation of public policies and regulations in the areas of construction, architecture, urban development and housing and utilities; the provision of public services, the management of public property in the areas of construction, construction and housing and public administration; and the coordination …Read more...

Construction permit Department of Construction Construction estimates Engineering for construction Capital construction site Construction technology Construction plan Construction services New construction technologies Ministry of Construction
Construction Of A Tree House

Construction Of A Tree House

The stages of building a tree house. In many sources, it may be argued that the construction of a tree house should take place in two or three phases, as the tree must be planted for a period of longer duration depending on the time of construction. Thus, if the house is built in winter, the...
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Foam House Technology

Foam House Technology

The advantages of foam construction in the modern construction industry are constantly being introduced into various new developments. One of the most recent innovations in the modern world is fountain, which is used to produce foams. The construction of suburban foam houses is expanded every...

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Ministry Of Construction

Ministry Of Construction

Good news. There s a new housing complex in Shelhova. Shelekhov is a young, developing city. This was particularly evident in the past year, when the construction of multi-family houses, including various federal programmes, has been markedly revived. In the master plan, the city of metallurgs...

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Construction Of A Lower Novel City

Construction Of A Lower Novel City

The main construction in Lower Novgorod and province is the projects of the cottage. By creating country houses for our customers, our company offers them the opportunity to personally participate in the creation of a cottage project. The special computer program will show you how any room... Read More

Construction Of Boarding Houses

Construction Of Boarding Houses

In order to create a full image of the place, it is necessary to build a house in which you will be happy to come in the summer of the weekend to rest from the endless city loom. However, many of the lucky ones are facing a problem -- the time frame for construction. Often, it takes four to... Read More

Construction Technology From Sip Panels

Construction Technology From Sip Panels

By constructing a house from the SIP, the builders are guided by a pre-trial assembly. The TERMOVILLA TERMOVILLA house collection technology has been strictly processed and ensures the high reliability of the entire construction. We take care of hydroisolation as the wooden elements of the... Read More

Form Of Construction Permit

Form Of Construction Permit

2. Recognize the invalid orders of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation: (a)Approval of the Instructions on how to fill the form of construction permits(registered at the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 8 November 2006; Federal Executive Gazette No. 46, 13 November... Read More



On 8 July, an exhibition ofLegendarianswas opened in the Mosque. 60 years, in conjunction with the anniversary of the famous capital stadium. Over the past six decades, the “humans” have become the main sports symbol of Moscow, became one of her card cards, the space that evolved with megapolis... Read More

New Construction Technologies

New Construction Technologies

POLICIES FROM MRAMORA: CLASSICA IN THE CONTEMPORARY EXECUTION. The marble in the interior is not just a building or a street material, it has a specific character and a style, which is why the sculptors like it so much. The laying of the marble on the floor will turn the surface into a work... Read More

Construction Of A Wooden House

Construction Of A Wooden House

In several ministries, the idea of a concessional mortgage for those wishing to build a wooden house is discussed. Plans are really great. In addition to the fact that the buoyant to build a tree house will benefit from the provision of credit, and the plots with the new woods themselves want... Read More

Nanotechnology In Construction

Nanotechnology In Construction

The construction sector is dealing with a large number of raw materials and various innovative materials are already being used in modern construction and are beginning to contribute to the future architecture. But the actual use of nanotechnologies in construction is so limited, as innovations... Read More

Housing Investments

Housing Investments

Chinas economy grew at 6.7 per cent in the first half of the year, reporting to the Committee on Reform and Development. The national GDP for the reporting period was 34 trillion yuan (around five trillion dollars). Industrial output increased by 6 per cent. Investment in core funds increased... Read More

Private House Construction Cost

Private House Construction Cost

It is not an easy task to make detailed estimates for the construction of the house and is time-consuming. All the more so, payment is made. However, using the online version of the calculator, the estimated cost of constructing an extra-urban private dwelling from various materials, blocks... Read More

Engineering Geological Research For Construction

Engineering Geological Research For Construction

Engineering and Geological Surveys include a comprehensive study of the geological characteristics of the construction site. According to JS 11-105-97Engineering Geological Surveys for Construction, the information obtained from geological work is the basis for the development of project documents... Read More

Construction Of Houses In Catherineburg

Construction Of Houses In Catherineburg

” Ultra Es, proposed: We are always prepared to help address issues related to the establishment of secure cohabitation and secure liquidity! Go to Ultra Es and be happy! The construction of a house under the key is an ideal solution for land owners, allowing not only the most interesting ideas... Read More

How To Estimate Construction

How To Estimate Construction

What do you mean? Before construction works are carried out, it is important to draw up estimates that will estimate your costs. This can be done both manually and through special computer programmes. This should take into account the scope of work, the technology to be applied, the time frame... Read More

Construction Plans

Construction Plans

The proportion of the parties to the 8x10 home is one of the most widely distributed solutions, the area of the house is sufficient to translate the various room planning options. Generally, this type of construction of the building involves the construction of a mechandise floor, which allows... Read More

Capital Development Division

Capital Development Division

Address: 462, Southern Federal District, Volgograd Region, Volgograd, University Prospect, 100 Aud: 1-07 B: 46-02-94 (ext.: 1,813 NATURAL ACTIVITIES - Organization, construction, reconstruction and timely implementation of new facilities. - Operation of completed construction. - Ensuring the... Read More