Construction Management

The Order of the General and Political Department of the Far North of the NKVD of the USSR for the development of the polygraphic base and the streamlining of the publication in Columé, the provision of permanent production assistance to the political newspapers, the reduction of cost and the improvement of the quality of the printed products, the newspapers of the Magic Colom, the Orottas, the magazine "Colmodel," and all the newspapers.
The publisher was engaged in the production of brochures, central press kits and the production of artistic literature. Between 1941 and 1945, more than 100 books and brochures were published each year with the best domestic and foreign writers and publicists. In the post-war period, the Columété sauté was the lead publisher in the Far East region. Then it started a series of "Billibottom of Stahanovist Dalstoy."
On 1 July 1954, a Magadan Book Printing was organized at the publisher ' s office, which included literature in indigenous languages.
Also on this day:
The Pyongers House Pyoners' College of Children's Art Works set up on the stage of Maxim's Theatre Mollier's "Skapen Proceed." The whole spectacle-- 2,5,000 roubles-- young artists transferred to the Defence Fund.
The Sovette Columé published a letter from the Magadan teachers in support of the Stockholm Appeal of the Permanent Committee of the World Congress for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
A kindergarten was commissioned for 135 places in the village of Sokoll.
The Magazine Truth newspaper reported that the sports master of Eugenia Burmistrov won the title of the DSS SVT on the side.
The decision of the Madadan Gorispol approved the act of the State Commission on the Admission of Child Somatic Hospital for 120 polyclinics sites.
There was a meeting of the Bureau of the Regional Committee of the Red Cross, which addressed the issue of " Assistance to victims of death " .
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