Construction Cost
Gaseous wall
Although gasoline blocks are advertised as unusually simple in mounting and thermally saving constructive material, their use is justified only if the manufacturer ' s recommendations are seriously complied with and the purchase of an instantly branded product (e.g. Beston, Hebel, Hess, Ytong, Wehrhahn) is better served by professionals.
In terms of energy efficiency, fire protection, soundproofness, the carcasile gasoline is significantly overtaking the brick.
In contrast to the other wall blocks, the gas-tight blocks of the auto-clave process have a large and homogeneous micropostity, explaining their gasproofness, as well as special thermal insulation parameters.
According to construction standards, the middle climatic zone is well equipped with a single-dimensional wall of gas-to-mount blocks with a thickness of 0.40 m.
To date, some manufacturers are offering quality blocks from the auto-clave gasoline (Hess, Ytong, Hebel, Beston, Wehrhahn) with an accurate geometry (with a range of ± 1 mm) that may be collected on a special installation unit.
Such a wall is marked by minor heat loss, because of the disappearance of the " cold bones " formed by inter-cryptic stitches from cement-pest solution and, in addition, the cost of mounting gasoline blocks is reduced by about a third.
The gas cell is sold at a price of two times the value of a simple sand cement solution at five to six times the lower cost.
The external lining of the walls from the gas cell blocks shall ensure that vapours of the moistures are removed from the accommodation to the street. For this reason, it is prohibited for the Jacetobeton walls to paint gastight means, to cover the cement thing, to cover the polystyrene.
It is important to link a large number of prohibitions and technological features to the gas-track walls, otherwise, in lieu of lower material costs, raw, very cold and accidental walls may be acquired.
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