Construction Accuracy System

Geometric accuracy system in construction. Calculation of accuracy
This standard applies to the design of buildings, installations and their components and establishes general provisions, methodological principles and calculation of the accuracy of geometric performance in construction
GAS R Public Information Security System Information Security Liaison OfficeGOST 23616-79 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Precision check
GOST 21778-81 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Basic provisions
GOST 26433.2-94 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Rules for the measurement of structures
GOST 26433.0-85 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Measurements. General
GOST 26433.1-89 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Measurements. Elements of manufacture
GOST Geometric accuracy system in construction. Calculation of accuracy
GOST 27466-87 Information Processing System. A set of symbols in 7 and 8-bit codes. Code expansion methods
GAST 34.960-91 Information processing system. Interconnection of open systems. Transport services
GOST 27463-87 Information Processing System. 7-bit coded symbol sets
GAS P 51505-99 Airfield Review and Aircraft and Aircraft Movement Control System. Basic parameters and specifications
GOST 26607-85 Geometric Parameter accuracy system in construction. Functional tolerances
GOST 21779-82 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Technological tolerances
GOST 23615-79 Geometric accuracy system in construction. Statistical analysis of accuracy
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