Small-Scale Construction

Земляничная поляна

Modern small-sized houses are designed for a small number of comfortable 1-2 flats of 45 to 200 square metres.

Townhouse is individual blocked cottage sections (two or more) built as one house. The mandatory condition - each section (2-4 level) shall be a separate entrance and the garage shall be placed on the first level or on the basement. The owner of the taunhuus is usually the owner (or lessee) of the home plot from one to three straps. Townhouse is part of a small-sized complex that often includes a small-sized multi-family house.

Kotteji is a separate building with a single land area designed for one family and intended for permanent residence.

In St. Petersburg, the most active, the construction of small-sized housing units is under way in the Primore area. The proportion of small-scale construction is about 50 per cent of the total number of small-sized housing units being constructed. Most of the small-scale facilities are located in the Colomag and Kamenka area. Colomies are the leader on the offer of small-sized facilities. The price range for small-scale construction is very high, depending on the location of the facility, the type of facility (house in a small house, taunhouse or cottage), the state of readiness of the house and the material used in construction. Often, to reduce cost and, as a consequence, the final cost of a square metre in the prefabricated housing, builders try to apply new construction technologies using modern and low-cost construction materials. An example of such a construction is the Dom On the Slope housing complex, which is built by the New Colomies (Primore District, Ul. 1st Nikitin House 24) with the non-removable Durisol deck.

If you've decided to purchase housing in a small-sized complex in the city line, be it. apartment or taunhouse or cottage.We advise you to look at the facilities located in the Primorsky area, combining convenient transport accessibility, developed infrastructure and acceptable cost.

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