Ministry Of Construction And Rossi

Student at Moscow University of Consumer Cooperation (Speciality of Jurisprudence).
Lawyer (private legal practice).
Adviser to the Governor of the Ryazan Region, then to the Chief of the Expert Division of the Office of the President of the Chuwash Republic.
Deputy Director of the Department of Construction - Head of the Support Division of the National Project " Access to Housing " of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. During its work in the Ministry of Regional Affairs, the Russian Federation was responsible for the implementation of the activities of the priority national project " Access and comfortable housing for Russian citizens " , the development of a Long-term Strategy for Mass Housing Construction for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation and the preparation of housing policy legislation.
Head, Department of Market Development of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing. Through this post, FMC ' s Housing activities and integrated land development projects selected under the national project were implemented.
2008 - 2011
President of the Board of Directors, member of the Board, Director of Legal and Corporate Affairs of OAO " Russian Communal System " . Skilled to improve the quality of public services and attract private investment in the industry to improve the institutional environment in SCH.
Executive Director of the Socio-Economic and Political Research Foundation of the General People ' s Front.
Executive Director of the Non-Profit Partnership for the Development of FAC " Development " (NU " LUC Development " ).
Member of the Expert Council of the Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the Working Group on the Development of SCH, Expert Council of the Government of the Russian Federation.
He is appointed Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation.
Elected member of the Bureau of the Committee on Housing and Land Management of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
The Government of the Russian Federation has expressed its gratitude for the progress made in the labour force and the years of good faith.Related posts: