Engineering Geological Research For Construction

Бурение скважин на изысканияEngineering and Geological Surveys include a comprehensive study of the geological characteristics of the construction site. According to JS 11-105-97Geological search for construction" The information derived from geological work is the basis for the development of project documents.

Geological studies offer opportunities Technical justification for the feasibility and feasibility of a site-specific construction at the design stage. If necessary, a preliminary assessment of the economic feasibility of construction in the designated area, engineering geological research is a mandatory stage of pre-project training.

The geological examinations determine the characteristics of the relay and hydrological regime of the area of future construction, and the mechanical composition of the ground shall be examined. Based on the data received, the Territory ' s tectonic and seismological characteristics are developed, as well as a probable change in geomorphological, hydrological and other processes due to the impact of the facility. A comprehensive engineering and geologic study of the future development area is key to planning and is being conducted during the pre-project training phase.

Engineering and Geological Surveys are conducted to determine the reliability of the construction site immediately before the design of the foundation of the future site. The selection of the type of foundation and further design shall be based on data on the physical and chemical properties of the ground and on the hydrological treatment of the site (especially on the level of groundwater). In the absence or complete absence of geological data, engineering errors are more likely to occur during design. The wrongly designed foundation may subsequently deform and cause premature destruction of the built building.

Блуждающие токи Электрохимическая коррозия Физические свойства грунтов Физико-механические св-ва грунтов

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