New Construction In Moscow

Новое строительство в Москве

(SAR) consists of 16 districts. The district is 113, 726 square kilometres, bordering the Central, North-East and North-West districts of Moscow. SAO also includes the airport of Cheremievo and the new Moljanin district. There are 405 streets. The population is about 1 million,113,000.

The industrial life of the SEA is very active - there are many industrial enterprises and organizations. Among them are the Bolshevik, the P. Alexeiev fabric factory and others that emerged in the twentieth century.
Some 500,000 people work in enterprises in the district. There are also research institutions that have played a leading role in the development of various sectors of the country ' s economy.

The North District may be considered a flagship of Soviet airlines. It has known aviation facilities such as the MIH OA " RSK " , the Ilyushin Air Force, the Sukho RCB, Yakovlev JPO, the Rumyanese IGO, the Nauka NGO, the Civil Aviation Institute. There are also Aircraft and Aircraft Technician Training Institutes in the District: IAI and Civil Aviation University.

A five-stage and wind housing programme has been successfully implemented in the county. The UAO operates on the number of demolished five-sets and wind houses: out of more than 330 five-storey houses, a total area of about 1,5 million square metres (three times the average) the district has vacated almost 580,000 non-comfortable housing square metres.

One of the largest construction sites is the Khodin field. In accordance with the decision of the Government of Moscow " On the integrated construction of the M.V. Frunze central airfield " of 2005, the Territory continues to grow in residential homes and social infrastructure. 24 506,000 square metres of hull have already been operational. There are social infrastructure facilities - kindergartens, schools, clinics. Construction is financed from the urban budget.

A new building has been built for the District Office of the Interior at Ul. Choborg, d. 14. Its total area was over 18,000 square metres and made it possible to create comfortable working conditions for more than 500 personnel.

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