What Is Needed To Get A Building Permit

The role of a lawyer in obtaining construction permits

XTrT2sbrbrs One farmer was forbidden to build horses on their own field for some formal reason. But the farmer didn't get lost and built wooden tables and chairs that don't need permission... just very big.

The following is a permit for the construction of a commercial facility. Information building permits A living house.

Sometimes building what you want, under a slightly modified name, can save millions of rubles and months of time. So that you're not going to build a logistics complex, an industrial undertaking or a long-term settlement, the law already provides for a permit for the construction of your facility. And if you turn to lawyers, all they have to do is take a step by step. You really get what you want. The bottom is, it'll take you more time and money than you could, and that's why:

Work to obtain a construction permit should begin not with the preparation of a technical assignment for the project documentation, but with the choice of the name of the facility under construction. However, this requires a precise understanding of the construction objectives, as well as knowledge of the technical features of construction.

What are we offering?

We propose a joint work on a project from an idea to a building permit.

In the course of our work, we will examine your idea of building and, if possible, propose options for improving this idea in terms of the requirements of the State, the forensics, fire safety, the reduction of the safety and health area, the location of the red lines, etc., we will select the appropriate name of the facility, develop a technical mission for the project organization, prepare and agree on all the necessary documents to enable:

  • Place the facility at the selected land area;
  • Harmonize the construction of the facility in accordance with the law with all competent authorities and organizations;
  • Avoid the need for State expertise in project documentation, if possible.
  • save time and money.

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